Odie's Roadies

Thursday, February 12, 2004

Full Moon from Donna's Backyard RV Park!
I didn't get around to posting these great photos that Jim took at full moon last week.

And, here's our very own full moon that we carry around with us all the time. It really is cool when we stop at a place after dark and raise the dish. The other-worldly blue light makes it look like moonrise on a distant planet!

Donna's Backyard 'Full-Service' RV Park!

I still don't really know what an 'amp' is, but I do know that our motorhome likes to have 30 of them, and a normal house outlet only has 15. With a few parts and some know-how, we now have 30 amp here. Now, the only thing missing is sewer hookup, but Markham Park is less than 5 minutes away and they have a 'dump-station' that we can use for $5. So, about every 5 days, we have to unhook and drive over there to 'take care of business'. It's a bit of a hassle, but, I actually like being forced to move the motorhome frequently. It's not good to get accustomed to it as a stationary thing ... it's meant to move! This keeps us in practice.

posted by Chris at 2/12/2004 07:42:00 AM

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