Odie's Roadies

Monday, May 10, 2004

Relax and Enjoy
This coming Friday will mark one month on the road. The initial flush of excitement has dissipated and the creeping panic of 'o-my-god-what-have-we-done' is rearing it's ugly head. I mean, here we are with no income to speak of, stock market depleting our savings, and we've left all family, friends, clients, and other support systems behind. Jim doesn't suffer from this like I do. I'm told it's a girl thing ... worry, that is. I feel the need to rush up to North Beach, New Jersey where we will be saving the cost of campgrounds by staying in a friend's driveway and saving the cost of gas by staying put for a couple weeks. This will also give me more time to do my web development work - it's been hard to fit that in when we drive every day.

Then, we get up and go for a walk on this amazing beach:

Odie is loving it!

Get that crab!

Something about the ocean that makes me get 'artsy-fartsy':

Chairs for contemplation:

Then we walk across the road to the nature trail that explores the inland side of the island:

Honeysuckle, mmm... what a wonderful smell:

Back home:

Is this just 'to-die-for' or what? C'mon Chris 'Relax and Enjoy' - my mantra. Hey Jim, let's stay another night here OK?
posted by Chris at 5/10/2004 11:20:00 AM

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