Odie's Roadies

Wednesday, January 12, 2005

Busy Techies

We had our best turnout yet at our Palm Creek Wi-Fi seminars.

And then I did a smart (or stupid?) thing. Instead of telling people they could call us if they wanted individual help with their computers connecting to Wi-Fi, I sent around a sign-up sheet. This means the ball is in our court to contact them. 20 people signed up! At one hour each, we won't be able to get to all of them before our next seminar and the next batch of visits. Oh well, that's why we scheduled ourselves to be here all month. We knew there were a lot of folks here. And it really is great to be able to visit with them rather than trying to help over the phone. So many of the problems have to do with people simply not understanding their computer and how it works with the Wi-Fi adapter and the hotspot. And, when the problem is with the hotspot itself, it's so much clearer for Jim to be able to identify it firsthand.

Palm trees are certainly their trademark here. And the sunlight is so bright and beautiful. It's still chilly tho - 45 degrees when we got up this morning.

posted by Chris at 1/12/2005 11:15:00 AM

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